Ingredients : 10 head of Korean cabbage(30kg), Salt water 8ℓ, Large Salt 51/2 Cups,
Salt for sowing again 6 Samll Cups, Radish 3 pieces(5kg), Shallot 1.5kg,
a Ruin, 3 kind Spicies : Glutinous rice glue : 15 Cups(Glautinous Rice 3 Cups
+ Water 4ℓ), Hot pepper powder 15 Cups, Grinded Onion · Tramp Garlic each 4 Cups,
Fermented anchovy sauce · Salted Fermented shrimp · Trmap Shrimp each 4 Cups,
Tramp Ginger 11/2 Cups, new sugar · Salt a little
1. Mending Korean cabbage and wet salt water
Detach and trim the unclean outer leaves in the korean cabbage. After Insert the bottom part,
softly open by hands and split half size. If half size Korean cabbage is big, Insert knife 10cm
in the bottom part again and divide a half size. Put the water in Big container and make salty
water by melt ing salt. Next soak deeply the Korean cabbage and fish out. Salting Stem is
important so you put the stem direction part first.(Picture 1). This way, soak salt water, fish
out and put the salt made Korean cabbage well-pickled.
2. Put the Large salt on Korean cabbage’s stem
Put the large salt in many folds because thick stem doesn’t pickle well(Picture 2),
Put a little salt on leaves. Put the large salt 6 cups evenly on 10 head of Korean caggage.
3. Pickling Korean cabbage
Already put the large salted Korean cabbages(Cut surface’s direction is upside)
put in big container and press by hands. If 3-4 hours lasted, change the upside and
downside and pickle on 3-4 hours. Pickle the Korean cabbage’s stems lightly bend
because if you pickle too long, Korean cabbage’s stems is tough(Picture 3).
4. Cleaning pickled Korean cabbage and remove moisture
Appropriate pickled Korean caggages wash flowing water for 3 times completely,
especially the stems wash lightly by hands. When the large salts removed, its tastes
is not bitter. Next they turn over on 30 minutes on the basket for remove moisture(Picture 4)
Thick part on the bottom scoop out clearly by knife.
5. Boiling glutinous rice glue
Wash the glutinous rice and winnow for 1 day. Put the 3ℓ water in a pot. If they boil,
put the gluntinous rice and stir up by a wood scoop. If a grain of rice become soaked,
put the 1ℓ water and steam cook thoroughly by turn off the fire and let cool. Cooling
glutinous rice’s statement is that when it is scooped up by spoon, it falls dripping.(Pictures 5).
6. Powdered red pepper knead Gluntinous rice glue.
Powdered red pepper is put Cooling glutinous rice and it knead well on 20 minutes.
Its color shoule be beautiful(Picture 6).
7. Radish is cut in thin strips : Washing radish and cut unclean part. Then be cut in thin strips.
8. Caring shallot, ruin and cutting them : Care shallot cleanly and cut 4cm length.
Then care ruin and cut slant shape.
9. Caring shrimp : Shrimp washes light salting water by hands light shaking.
Remove unclean part and wash clean water. Then out of water and remove moisture and cut fine.
10. Shredded radish is painted by Powdered Red pepper
Put on Shredded radish in big bowls and put on winnowed powdered red pepper 1bhandful.
It is painted red.(Pictures 7).
11. Put spicery and mix toghther : Put on remain winnowed powdered red pepper, grinded onions,
cut fine garlics, tramp Ginger, Fermented anchovy sauce · Salted Fermented shrimp. Mix toghther
evenly. Then put on cut fine shrimp and mix. Use new sugar and the large salt and salt properly.
Then mix shredded radish. If you put sugar, soup is thick and kimchi is soft so Tastes is not good.
Accordingly instead of sugar, Put little new sugar. Kimchi is crunchy and tastes is far dainty. If you
have not new sugar, Instead putting Grinding apple or pear or persimmon is good. Spicery uses
rubbing 5-10 minutes by hands, radish is produced moisture and tastes is filled up. Then put caring
shallot, ruin and mix toghther softly.
Detach and trim the unclean outer leaves in the korean cabbage. After Insert the bottom part,
softly open by hands and split half size. If half size Korean cabbage is big, Insert knife 10cm
in the bottom part again and divide a half size. Put the water in Big container and make salty
water by melt ing salt. Next soak deeply the Korean cabbage and fish out. Salting Stem is
important so you put the stem direction part first.(Picture 1). This way, soak salt water,
fish out and put the salt made Korean cabbage well-pickled.
12. Insert stuffing in Pickled Korean cabbage
Pickled Korean cabbage rubs spicery and disclose from bottom leaves first and insert stuffing
appropriately(Pictures 8). A handful Stuffing put half head.
13. Cover the Korean cabbage outer leaves
Picture 9
If you insert stuffing finished, hackle the Korean cabbage by hands and fold leaves half.
Then cover outer leaves(Pictuers 9).
14. Put in ceramic
Then spicery doesn’t flow.(Pictures 10). It leaves room temperature in 1~2 days.
If Making lactic acid boiled little, move kimchi refrigerator or refrigerator. Then it fermented, eat it.
Source : Naver Kitchen(
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