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Visit to Pasay (Metro Manila) 파사이에 있는 필리핀 문화센터. (This is a curtural center of the Philippines in Pasay.) 악기 박물관이 그럭저럭 볼만 했는데, 동아시아의 각 나라별로 다양한 악기들을 전시하고 있었다. (The museum of musical instrument was worth seeing, they had a many kinds of musical instrument in the country of eastern Asia.) 불행하게도, 내부에서는 사진촬영이 금지되어 있어 사진을 찍을 수 없었다. (Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture because they prohibited taking a picture.) 마닐라 메트로폴리탄 박물관... 더보기
Visit to Quezon and Makati (Metro Manila) 오늘의 여행은 케손시로. (The traveling of today was Quezon city.) LRT에서 MRT로 갈아탈수 있는 줄 알고. LRT 종착역까지 갔다. (I went to final destination of LRT because I guessed that I could transfer from LRT to MRT.) 하지만 MRT가 없음을 알았던 나는, 마닐라 버스를 한번 이용해 봤다. (But, I could realize there was no MRT. So I decided to take a bus in Manila.) 버스 안내군이 쿠바오 쿠바오 쿠바오라고 외치는 소리를 듣고 케손시로 갈거 같아서 물어보고 승차. 16페소. (I heard the sound which was C.. 더보기
Visit to Quiapo, Santa Cruz, Binondo and Chinese Cemetery(Metro Manila) 내가 아침식사를 했던 Aristo Crat. 1936년부터 있었던 아주 오래된 레스토랑. 늘 손님이 가득한 곳. 가격대는 저렴한 식사용부터 비싼 요리까지 다양하다. (I ate breakfast at Aristo Crat. It was managed since 1936 and so old. It is always full. There are a various of prices likes cheap meal and expensice dish.) 아침식사 후, 지프니를 타고 향했던 키아포. 그리고 처음 도착지 산 세바스티안 교회. 고딕 건축물이었는데 첨탑이 참 인상적이었다.필리핀에는 특이한 양식을 가진 교회가 많이 있다. (After ate breakfast, I went to Quiapo by Jeepne.. 더보기
Visit to Intramuros(Metro Manila) 이른 아침, 인트라무로스에 도착한 시간은 7시 30분.. (Early in the morning, I arrived in Intramuros at 7:30 A.M.) 보는 것처럼 건물이 유럽식이고, 성곽으로 둘러싸여 있다. (According pictures, buildings is euporean style and is suroundded by ramparts.) 산 아구스틴 교회는 2차 대전에서 파괴되지 않았고, 유네스코의 지정을 받은 교회.. (San Agustin church didn't destruct in 2nd war and was chosen by UNESCO.) 교회 내에 있는 박물관에는 다양한 유물 그리고 많은 교회에 대한 설명이 있었다. (There are a various of tr.. 더보기
Visit to Malate and Rizal Park (Metro Manila) 마닐라에 도착한 첫날.. 버스안에서의 새우잠이 다였던 나는 상당히 피곤했다. (First day after I arrived in Manila, I was too tired because I slept in bus yesterday.) 하지만 나의 여행의지를 꺾을수는 없었다. (But it couldn't give up my traveling will.) 마닐라 LRT 티켓이다. 가까운곳은 12페소. 조금 더 가면 15페소의 비용이 든다. (This is a ticket about LRT in Manila. Nearing place is 12 pesos. if you go more, fee is 15 pesos.) 내가 머물렀던 게스트하우스. 이곳에는 주로 외국인이나 배낭여행객들이 머무는데, 가격이 저렴.. 더보기
Visit to Hundred Islands 우리는 이른 아침에 길을 나섰다. 우리는 처음에 다구판으로 가는 버스를 탔다. (We departed early in the morning. First, we got in the bus which went to Dagupan.) 우리의 '박'군은 썬글라스를 하나 준비했다죠.. ㅋ (Park prepared sun glasses.. keke) 바깥 풍경만 찍어도 저지대는 덥다는 사실을 알수있다는.. 필리핀 태양은 굉장히 뜨겁습니다. ㅋㅋ (Although we took a outside scenery, we can know that lower land is so hot.. Sunshine is so hot in the Philippines. keke) 우리가 탔던 빅토리라이너 버스 내부.. 에어컨 없이 문.. 더보기
Visit to St.Tomas Mountain again 더보기
Visit to Batad(Near to Banaue) We departed our lodging with Israelies at 7:00 A.M. We rode on the roof of the Jeepney, it was very exciting. We arrived in Batad after an hour. We walked a lot and talked about Korean and Japanese language with the guide. We arrived at the tour guide association office at 11:00 A.M. If you want to know rice terraces details, you have to donate money. We ordered our lunch. The restaurant owner s.. 더보기
Visit to Bontoc and Banaue We got up at 5 A.M and prepared to go to another place. After we ate a cake simply, we took a Jeepney which goes to Bontoc at 6:30 A.M. But, accident happened at road. Road was closed so Jeepney couldn't pass by. First we thought if soil was removed by equipment, Jeepney could go to Bontoc. But 30 minutes later, we realized a rock fell down at road. Fortunately, Jeff asked a Jeepney driver wheth.. 더보기
Visit to Sagada Last Friday was holiday because it's a celebration for a hero who led a revolution. Nowadays, the hero's son is contorolling Philippines. I went to Sagada with my friends on that day because it was good opportunity for us. I wanted to rent a van but our group is just few so I couldn't rent a van. Instead, we took a bus. Buses stop by resting place in Philippines. Cloud was special. We arrived at.. 더보기